Fine Artist

Sean Michael Byrne BA MA

Sean Michael Byrne was born in 1970. He studied fine art at the Chelsea College of Arts in London, the Cambridge School of Art where he studied under Hephzibah Rendle-Short and the Camberwell College of Arts, part of the London Institute.
His works can be found in private collections throughout Europe.

"My paintings rely extensively on the mark making process. My method involves making constructive use of accidental marks, although through editing and overworking I aim to gradually pull the work into some semblance of the landscape/figurative subject.
I hope that something of the conviction carried by the marks will communicate a stronger sense of the subject matter than if I were to depict it literally"

Sean Michael Byrne has also been buying and selling 20th Century Art Prints for over 20 years, for further information please see below.
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